Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Tips to Keep Your PC in Good Shape

*Keep your system clean, in and out. dust and dirt are the most common causes of overheating.
*Turn off pc monitors when its not in use.
*Always keep your pc running as long as possible.
*Perform check disk twice a week, If the check discovers several hundred errors, your drive could be full of bad sectors - you'd best backup your important data and then try to get it repaired.
*Get an anti-virus program.
*When your system clock starts losing time, Replace your CMOS battery.
*When opening a PC Case to conduct a repair dont forget to unplug your PC.
*Clean registry using a PC tool.

Apply this tips to ensure safety in your computers.

A user-friendly computer system is our benefits..Hope it helps!

100 Ways To Get Backlinks

1. Create viral linkbait if you use wordpress.
2. Write and give away a free ebook.
3. Write a pillar (authority) article.
4. Create a numbers list (10 ways to xxx, 20 different xxxx).
5. Hold a contest, and require that they link back to you for an entry.
6. Send off interview templates to big bloggers, and post up completed interviews.
7. Create a Wordpress plugin.
8. Design a hot Wordpress theme, and distribute it for free, requiring they keep your link in the footer.
9. Create controversy (be careful and don’t get into something you can’t handle)
10. Find a scammer/shady website or blogger, and make the world known about it.
11. Submit a press release about your new product or news.
12. Submit your site to free directories (careful, only SEO friendly ones)
13. Submit your site to paid directories (dmoz(kidding!), yahoo, alive)
14. Submit articles to article directories.
15. Submit posts to blog carnivals.
16. Email a webmaster, and ask for a link.
17. Offer to buy a one way link from another relevant website (keep this on the DL)
18. Send unsolicited, yet awesome articles to other bloggers to reference or post
19. Let your networked friends know that you’ll do reviews and testimonials.
20. Buy reviews on pay-per-post or a similar service.
21. Get on the Digg front page (and watch your server melt).
22. Exchange Stumbles on popular webmaster forums.
23. Submit to Del.icio.us
24. Answer a question on Yahoo Answers and reference your site.
25. Pick a hot ebook or software program and review it for free.
26. If you get paid for a review – make it a great one, and you’ll get a link back.
27. Don’t be afraid to link out – share the link love (just don’t get too spammy)
28. Be the first to report breaking news (hard, but very effective)
29. Review a semi-popular tech gadget.
30. Review stuff on Amazon, and put your link in your profile
31. Create a Linked-In page, and make sure to put your link on it.
32. Speaking of that, do the same for Facebook, Myspace, and others..
33. Hire good writers to pump out quality content.
34. Join all applicable Chamber of Commerce’s’ in your area for free links
35. Join the BBB (Better Business Bureau) for a free link.
36. Post a bulletin in your Myspace account about your new site.
37. Throw a relevant link in a Craigslist ad.
38. Create your own SEO tool.
39. Buy TV air time on a small station flashing your URL.
40. Buy Radio time for a short commercial spamming your URL.
41. Put bumper stickers on your car with your link on it.
42. Look for older, higher PR sites with Guestbooks, and sign them! Easy links.
43. Comment on Do-Follow blogs (meaning the link in your comment will be followed by a spider)
44. Post your link in forums, and your forum signature.
45. Don’t forget to link from some of your older, more established sites.
46. Buy post level links from other bloggers/webmasters. (usually cheap)
47. Don’t be afraid to ask for links, you just never know!
48. Do pro-bono work for a non-profit, and they may link to you.
49. Offer to be a guest blogger or regular contributor on a bigger blog.
50. Apply to about.com for a topic that you can write about.
51. Sell items on ebay and agree to donate proceeds to charity – they will link to you.
52. Hire someone from a webmaster forum to submit links for you.
53. Trade articles with industry related webmasters
54. Rewrite old content they may have been buried to fast…breath new life.
55. Find out about getting a link on your local libraries website.
56. Launch an affiliate program for your site, ebook, or product.
57. Technorati tag all of your posts for good Technorati exposure.
58. Take advantage of “old world media” (newspapers, magazines)
59. Rent links from Text-Link-Ads or similar service (careful with this one!)
60. If you have the ability, create a Firefox extension and release it.
61. Answer questions on Google Groups and link if necessary.
62. Call in to a radio show and shamelessly plug your site!
63. A good PPC campaign can draw exposure which could = links.
64. Head over to the slums (chat rooms) and mention your site if appropriate.
65. Create a controversial political cartoon and get it some attention.
66. Most local Fox sites have a blogging community you can tap into.
67. Hire someone to do everything in this list. Outsourcing is cheap and fun.
68. Get business cards, and distribute the hell out of them for exposure.
69. Drop your link on Xbox live.
70. Mention your link when you’re playing online PC games.
71. Donate a larger sum of money to a small charity in exchange for a link.
72. If you’re in school, put your link on your college website (even sneak it in for a free .edu backlink – lol)
73. If you have family friendly content, get a link from your Church’s website.
74. Set up a Squidoo lens with good content, and link to your site from it.
75. Sponsor an event or a big contest – trust me, lots of link love there.
76. Enter all the group writing projects you can find – good links.
77. Start a community helpful website, and get on the local news – they love it.
78. Submit to RSS feed sites – hopefully they’ll link back.
79. Make sure to take advantage of trackbacks when linking out to other blogs.
80. Set up an award system on your site, and have readers vote on best site.
81. Speaking of that, enter all the award sites you can.
82. Make a super crazy viral type video, and get it on Youtube.
83. Start a podcasting series, and build an audience, they’ll link to you.
84. Write a heavily opinionated piece to get people talking.
85. Retain a real linkbaiting service. (There are a few out there, but $$$)
86. Hire an actual real life publicist for your site (if you can justify it)
87. Help with an up and coming web 2.0 project for more exposure.
88. Start a content writing service website, and have clients link to you for a discount.
89. Crack the top 100 in Technorati, or create the largest MyBlogLog community.
90. Go old school and trade links with other relevant sites.
91. Check who links to your competitors, and get links from them!
92. Provide a ***y “link to me” button or banner, and people will use it, for real.
93. Create a good Facebook app, and if it’s really good, the links will pour in.
94. Review bands, local restaurants, and small shops and get links on their sites in return for the exposure.
95. Speaking of that, sponsor a hot local band’s show one night with big flashy banners with your link on it (in the background)
96. When Hannah Montana comes to town, buy up some tickets, offer them on your site as prizes. Local news stations and papers will eat it up alive.
97. Sue Yahoo, Google, or whoever, and you’ll get plenty of publicity – lol
98. Answer all of your emails promptly and professionally. People love that, and will link to you and let everyone know how swell you are.
99. Create a thorough walk through on a game or even an electronic device. People love that stuff!
100. Network with like-minded individuals offline. Talk to them about tossing your link up on their site.
101. Write about the hottest celebrities, and make it unique. People love Hollywood.
102. Create your own Wiki page (it’s nofollow, but could lead to natural links)
103. Create your own training program for your field of interest.
104. Offer an on-page language translator to reach out to other countries, which can lead to new links

On Page Optimization

Title Tag – Should be compact and should only contain targeted keywords. It is one of the main criteria’s so should be handles effectively. Do not try to spam the page title with lots of keywords or repetitive keywords. You should always try to limit your keywords in the title to less than three.

Meta Description – Another important tag that helps search engines to denote the content of the page.

Meta Keywords – This should actually contain the targeted keywords and the keywords used in the page. Should not be huge list of keywords or occurrence of keywords. Remember GOOGLE, google, GoOgLe all them gives the same result. Try it out at Google.

Heading Tag – It is equally important as rest of the tags. Should be considered as the heading of the content and shouljavascript:void(0)d be generated down the order.
Image Alt Attribute – Provide this tag for each of the image used in the site. This should depict the content of the image.

Off Page Optimization

Link Building – As discussed by Matt Cuts. Editorial links are always preferred. But quality links gathered through unique content on the site is also favorable.

Anchor Text – Anchor Text is another very important factor. The anchor text should be very well chalked out according to the need of the optimization plan.

Page Targeting – It is always considered to be of utmost importance that you should try to target two to maximum three keywords per page. This way you can target most keywords to your site rather than targeting 10 keywords per page.

Generate Website Traffic: 65 Tips

1. Write something great about your niche and email other bloggers to let them know – there’s a good chance they’ll link to you
2. Have a signature link in forums that points to your site
3. Post links to your pages to social bookmarking sites.
4. Leave comments on other people’s blogs and link back to your site (tip: look in the digg upcoming section for blog posts about to get a lot of traffic).
5. Have the opposite opinion on everyone else on a popular topic, providing you can justify it. Everyone will get annoyed and link to you saying your wrong
6. Answer questions on Yahoo Answers - quote your website as the source.
7. Post in Yahoo and Google Groups with a link to your site in your signature
8. Make a 404 page that redirects to your homepage – no point losing visitors
9. Have an opt-in form – trade links with someone else who has an opt in form on your confirmation page
10. Review a product or company – if your review is positive email the company and ask to be featured in their press section. (this has worked really well for me)
11. Write articles and submit them to article directories
12. Write a Press Release and submit it to PRWeb (make sure it is newsworthy)
13. Use PayPerClick Traffic (e.g Adwords, MSN Adcenter, YSM)
14. Add an RSS subscribe button/link in a high profile spot on your site
15. Add a mailing list subscribe form in a high profile spot on your site
16. Add a bookmark this site link in a high profile spot on your site
17. Use a Tell a Friend Script on your site so people can email their friend about an article on your website.
18. Submit a blog to a blog directory
19. Submit you RSS feed to RSS feed directories
20. Mention your website in a post on Craigslist (don’t spam)
21. Optimize the titles of your pages for keywords people will search for
22. Buy links to your site
23. Buy reviews about your site on other people’s site
24. Buy banner space on other websites if you can get a good ROI
25. Send articles to ezine publishers with a link back to your website
26. Do a big viral push for a piece of link bait, post it in forums, social bookmarking sites like digg, email bloggers, and get a few people to vote for you on social bookmarking sites – this little push could start a viral chain reaction!
27. Have a link to your site on community sites like MySpace and Face-Book
28. Use a traffic trading system like Blog-Rush
29. Purchase misspellings of competitors domains and redirect your site (be careful of trademark infringement)
30. Create a freebie product to give away (eBook, software, whitepaper etc.)
31. Submit your site to the hundreds of free directories – use the viles-silencer list
32. Do a group feature where you get other website owners in your niche to participate – maybe asking them all an opinion on something.
33. Hold a competition for the Top 50 in your niche – 1 month later post the results and let everyone know who featured – watch them link back to say what there position was.
34. Pass out business cards when you go to industry events in your niche
35. If you have a product start an affiliate program and start approaching affiliates
36. Submit videos to video sharing sites like YouTube and Metacafe. Include a link in the description and within the actual video.
37. If you have a product sends it to website owners to get reviewed.
38. Look at a big website within your niche and ask to write some guest posts for them
39. Create pages with links to your site on places like Squidoo and Hub pages
40. Place classified Ads on eBay with a link to your website
41. Use an auto responder on your mailing list to keep people coming back to your site
42. Exchange links with a few related sites in your niche
43. Network! Email other site owners, phone them up, go to industry events and get yourself known. If they know your face they will likely talk about you on their site if you do something interesting.
44. Many forums have a place for you to advertise your site once – find them and do it.
45. Purchase advertising in other people’s mailing lists and newsletters
46. Create an Amazon profile and start submitting reviews
47. Create profiles on MySpace and start networking in groups that are interested in your site’s niche.
48. Conduct a survey and publish the results – make sure you let people know about it.
49. Get your hand on a load of PLR content for your niche. Add a commentary to the top, create a unique title, and post them all to your site – lots of new content and lots of new traffic.
50. Create a cartoon mascot for your site – then hold a competition for someone to create the best game for it – pay the winner a decent amount.
51. Make sure you have a memorable domain name that is short and catchy.
52. Use a well-searched for keyword within your domain name to help rank for that keyword.
53. If you sell a product ask someone else who sells a product to list your product with theirs, and you’ll do the same for them – split commissions on sales.
54. When you write a new article on your site – link to as many blogs as possible – they will likely see your site in their pingbacks, website stats, or Technorati. They will visit your site and possibly subscribe to it and link back at a later date.
55. Get your RSS feed syndicated to different sites like Zimbio and hubpages and Topic.
56. If your site is popular and has quality unique content then apply to get listed in Google’s News search.
57. Create a sitemap and submit it to Google (not great but might help)
58. Use your robots.txt file to stop Google indexing certain directories and pages on your blog (such as archives) to avoid duplicate content issues).
59. Create a couple of small 10 page sites related to your main site. Offer links on these smaller sites in return for links to your main site (this is triangular reciprocal linking).
60. Get yourself known as an expert and get featured in offline magazines, TV and radio stations.
61. Use an auto-translator service to translate your site into other languages – put it in a subdirectory and watch foreign traffic come in.
62. Make posts about sex (don’t have to post anything rude) – and watch the porn surfers find their way to your site through Google.
63. Post about celebrities current events if it relates to your niche – there’s always a lot of people looking up celebrity stuff.
64. Write good headlines/titles – good titles get more clicks.
65. Get some stickers with your domain name on. Go out and stick them on strangers and say “My Website Yeah, Check it out.”

101 ways to get free traffic

1) Yahoo Answers.

2) Myspace.com

3) Yahoo Groups

4) Stumbleupon.com

5) Forums

6) Craigslist.org

7) Site maps

8. E-Book Giveaway

9) Website Design

10) Submit To Directories

11) Tell a Friend

12) Search Engine Optimization

13) Squidoo.com

14) Social bookmarking sites

15) Article Promotion

16) Site Explorer

17) Epinion.com

18. Alexa.com

19) Newsletter Box

20) Scribd

21) Get Links from Relevant Websites

22) Increase the Size of Your Site

22) Send out Press Releases

23) Advertise On Online classified Ad Sites

24) Use Firefox Plug-in

25) Add a Forum to Your Site

26) Add a Blog to Your Site

27) Optimize Your Blog for The Search Engines

28. Comment on Other Peoples Blogs

29) MySpace News

30) Digg

31) Banner Exchanges

32) Traffic Exchanges

33) Pop Unders

34) Technorati and ping it when your blog content changes

35) Use a ping service like pingomatic to ping RSS aggregators

36) Submit your blog to all of the RSS directories

37) Link to other blogs in your posts

38. Use Stumbleupon to stumble your posts.

39) Ask your readers to submit your posts to social bookmarking sites (Digg, Reddit, etc.)

40) Start a group blog.

41) Join SpicyPage and promote your blog

42) Join a webring.

43) Sign up for BlogWoods and promote your blog

44) Exchange Ads (not blogroll links) with complementary blogs.

45) Trade blog roll links with related blogs.

46) Use Twitter

47) Publish videos on YouTube

4 Search for Wikis related to your.

49) Join Hub pages and post links to your blog from articles you write.

50) Pray.

51) Create a MySpace Page. Put your blog on it, and get some friends.

52) Tell people you will link back to them if they review your blog

53) Most brands are not well established online, you review related content and it will rank well.

54) Review relevant products on Amazon.com.

55) Create product lists on Amazon.com

56) Review related sites on Alexa

57) Review products and services on shopping search engines.

58. Swap some links.

59) Try to get links from within the content of relevant content pages.

60) Sell items on eBay.

61) Target niche social news sites like DZone, Sphinn or Hugg

62) Whenever you send an email to someone, always add your website url as a signature.

63) Do email signature swaps

64) Tag blog posts at social bookmarking sites

65) Add photos to your blog with appropriate keywords - Google Images generates traffic too.

66) Tag blog photos at Flicker

67) Make a custom 404-error page for your website. You can provide a link back to your main website or even try to monetize it by offering a related affiliate program within your niche.

68. Outsource grunt work.

69) After someone orders from you offer a one-time offer that compliments your product.

70) Participate in Blog Carnivals

71) create a network of blogs in different niches, and then link them together

72) Give away stock images with a wee watermark of your URL

73) Find and discuss memes

74) Create a Yahoo Group in the niche your site sits.

75) Bookmark your site on Del.icio.us and if you’re really keen, add a Del.icio.us button to your homepage.

76) Place a free ad for your company on Gumtree.

77) Syndicate your site’s content by using an RSS feeds.

7 Submit your RSS feeds to aggregator sites.

79) Don’t worry about PageRank - worrying about PageRank is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum.*

80) Get a custom t-shirt made with your website URL on it, and wear it often.

81) Get a custom t-shirt made with your website URL on it, and wear it often.

82) Send out a newsletter!

83) Giving away an eBook is an excellent way to generate word-of-mouth about your site.

84) Ask bloggers and other Web site owners to review your site and/or products.

85) Add a “Tell a Friend” function to your site, so people can easily recommend you to their mates.

86) Share your banners on banner exchange sites.

87) Create a “lense” for your site on Squidoo

8 Do you have really hot content on your site that geeks would love? If so Slashdot will bring you a mass of traffic.

89) upload a favicon.gif file so that your users have a nice icon when they bookmark your site.

90) Set up a feed on MyYahoo.com so your site gets regularly spidered by the Yahoo search

91) Use Ping-0-matic to ping blog directories. Do this every time you publish.

92) Print your blog URL on your business cards, brochures and flyers.

93) Use Trackback links when you quote or refer to other blog posts.

94) Increase the list you ping

95) Use Facebook

96) Social Networking

97) Micro

9 Email Marketing

99) RSS Feeds

100) Get outside links to internal pages

101) Use free hosting and build sites and link them back to your main site.

Social Bookmarkeing sites List with PR

• 43Things - To do List, Activity Lists [PR 8]
• Aboogy
• AllMyFavorites - [PR 4]
• Article Tag - Social bookmarking service. [PR4]
• aworldofhelp - [PR4]
• Backflip - General [PR 6]
• beanrocket - general [PR 6]
• Bookkit - [PR4]
• Bookmark Manager - [PR5]
• BookmarkSync -[PR5]
• BibSonomy - [PR1]
• blabb.com
• Blauer Bote Bookmarks / link - Bookmark manager for German & English [PR 5]
• BlinkBits - [PR 4]
• BlinkList - [PR6]
• BlogHop - [PR7]
• BlogLot - [PR 2]
• BlogMarks.net - [PR 6]
• BlogMemes.net - [Network also has French, Spanish and Portuguese version - BlogMemes.info] [PR5]
• BlogLines.com - [PR 8]
• BlogPulse - [PR7]
• Blue.us - [PR4]
• BookmarkTracker - [PR 5]
• browsr - [PR5]
• BuddyMarks.com - [PR6]
• butterfly - [PR 4]
• Chipmark.com - [PR 5]
• clipclip - [PR4]
• clipfire - [PR 6]
• Clipmarks - [PR4]
• commontimes - [PR6]
• Connectedy - Converts browser bookmarks into social categories. [PR5]
• Connotea - Social bookmarking for the scientific community. [PR7]
• Complore (Research Collaboration Tool for Researchers)
• del.icio.us - [PR 8]
• de.lirio.us - [PR 6]
• Digg - Technology site combining social bookmarking, blogging, RSS, and non-hierarchical editorial control. [PR7]
• diigo - [PR6]
• dinnerbuzz - for guide to restaurants, bars, and coffee shops anywhere in the world. [PR5]
• Dog Ear - [PR3]
• Dohat.com [P33]
• Dutch Social Bookmarking site - This is the (currently only) Social Bookmarking site for the Netherlands. [PR3]
• Fark - [PR8]
• Favoor (Available in English and German) [PR3]
• FeedMeLinks [PR4 /PR3]
• Feedmarker - RSS and ATOM aggregator & bookmarks manager. [PR5]
• Filangy [PR5]
• Flikr - social bookmarks for photos [PR8]
• Furl - this is similar to Similar to del.icio.us [PR8]
• GetBoo - [PR1]
• Gibeo - [PR6]
• GiveALink - bookmarks for academic research [PR4]
• GoKoDo MyBookmarks [PR4 - MAIN SITE]
• GoobToob - Video clips, vote your favorite videos to the top, and submit new video clips.
• Google Notebook
• H2O Playlist - [PR6]
• Hotlist Anywhere - [PR5]
• Hot Links - [PR6]
• Hyperlinkomatic - [PR5]
• i89.us - [PR 3]
• IceRocket - [PR7]
• IndiaGram (Also has a voting system like Digg.com) [PR4]
• Indiamarks (Bookmarking site dedicated to Indian community) [PR2]
• Jots [PR6]
• Kaboodle - [PR6]
• Kinja - Blog bookmarking & aggregation service [PR 7]
• leze.de and - German Internet Bookmarking Service [PR3]
• Lilisto -[PR3]
• linkaGoGo - [PR7]
• linkfilter - [PR6]
• linkroll - - [PR6]
• LibraryThing - for books - [PR7]
• Linux Bookmarks (LQ) - Bookmark, tag, annotate and share links to Open Source and Linux related sites - - [PR7]
• ListMixer - [PR6]
• Listible - [PR2]
• Lookmarks (beta) - search & share bookmarks - [PR5]
• Ma.gnolia - [PR5]
• Maple - [PR6]
• Mecanbe - - [PR 6]
• memestreams - [PR 5]
• Millions Of Games - casual games, tagged, rated and bookmarked by hundreds of users daily - [PR 5]
• MotorKen - [PR 5]
• MyProgs - Social bookmarking for the programs that you personally use, etc. - [PR 6]
• Netvouz - [PR 6]
• Network Menus - - [PR 4]
• Newsvine - [PR 7]
• NowPublic - [PR 6]
• O Y A X - bookmarking service with groups - [PR 4]
• PeerMark - [PR 4]
• popurls.com
• RawSugar - [PR 6]
• Reader² - [PR 6]
• Reddit - [PR 7]
• Rojo - [PR 7]
• Rollyo - [PR 6]
• Rrove.com - social bookmark service for locations. - [PR 5]
• Save Your Links - [PR 5]
• Scuttle.org - [PR 6]
• Scuttle - Download the script and start a bookmarking service. Web-based social bookmarking system. Allows multiple users to store, share and tag their favourite links online.
• Segnalo - Italian Social Bookmarking - [PR 5]
• Shadows - [PR 7]
• Shoppersbase (Bookmarking website for online shoppers)
• Shoutwire - [PR 5]
• Simpy - offers Social bookmarking with tagging & full-text searching. - [PR 6]
• SiteJot - [PR 5]
• sitetagger - [PR 2]
• Slashdot - [PR 9]
• Smarking - [PR 5]
• Spurl - stores copies of the pages saved. - [PR 6]
• Squidoo - General topics [PR 5]
• Start Aid - [PR 5]
• Start - General by Microsoft [PR 7]
• StumbleUpon
• Social Bookmarking (Provides users with a personal social bookmarking sub-domain)
• Sync2It’s BookmarkSync - [PR 5]
• Tab Marks - [PR 5]
• taghop - [PR 4]
• Tagsy - [PR 3]
• TagTooga.com - [PR 5- main site]
• TailRank - [PR 6]
• Textnotes.de - [PR 4]
• Technorati - [PR 8]
• Tutorialism - Bookmarking website for tutorials
• uLinkx - Social Video/Music Bookmarking
• unalog - open source book marking software - [PR 5]
• URLBlaze - url sharing tool. - [PR 3]
• URLex - bookmarking & RSS feeds - [PR 4]
• Wazima - [PR 5]
• Web Feeds - [PR 5]
• Wink - General social bookmarking + Search engine [PR 6]
• Wiklink - Tool for use to synchronize bookmarks with your browser.
• Wists - Shopping links, Visual bookmarks, wishlists and also photoblogs. [PR7]
• World Wide Wisdom - [PR 5]
• wURLdBook - [PR 5]
• Yahoo! My Web - General bookmarking + sepcialty feeds + Available in many languages [PR 7]
• Yoono - [PR 6]
• Youtube - [PR 6]
• Yummy! Social PDF Library - Bookmark and find PDFs and print them too! - [PR 5]
• Zaadz - [PR 6]

Here are few good tips i read on another forum

1. Put your site in Web Directories, those are just like phonebooks but with use to your website. Find ones that have good PR( Pagerank from 0-10) like PR 3+ and if your site is indexed your PR will increase.

2. Get lots of backlinks, this is a nice way to go. Basically if you post a lot on a forum and put a link on your signature you should get some backlinks depending on how many posts you get.

3. Try to buy links on high PR sites.

4. Submit to multiple search engines such as Google, MSN, Yahoo, and Altavista.

5. Use the Google Webmaster My Site program, and add your site to it. Then create a sitemap and they will Index your site on Google Search engine.

6. Learn how to use Link exchanges. This will get you some traffic.

7. Send messages to friends or people you know, this will get lots of traffic. Most of your friends will love to join your site.

8. You need to do lots of advertising. To do this get a text link or make a small banner. Then pay people to put it up on there site, or even trade posts for advertising.

9. A good way to get a link without any money on someone's site is to maybe post 50 on there forum, then ask for a link on there footer. In a month or so, you will see this paid off, because youre site may have an extra quality direct link and will be indexed in search engines.

10. Find something interesting, and put it on your site. For my site I have news updates on the homepage on interesting topics such as snake venom to top money makers. This draws attention.

11. Get loads of fresh content. Google loves this. What I mean by this is to just update your site, make changes and improve a lot!

12. Have a nice theme, people don't like regular plain themes, but colorful ones such as the subsilver theme for phpBB is dull but the subblack theme is better.

13. Keep to your site, and don't just throw it off. This will site that you don't care for it and neither will the users.

14. Find a way to keep your users entertained. On my site I have about 150+ arcade games to play along with chat rooms, tv stations, award shop, and a lottery!

15. Get something that makes some members feel special. Like for my website I have the Elite Members Club by paying $2-$25 or making 300+ posts you can be one. Elite members get special forums, names, title colors, access and much more!

16. Get something that will get users posting. I have FP Gold on my site that you can sell for services instead of money. These can be earned by posting more, and can be used for graphic designs, services, forum posting, script creation, website help, contests, link sales, signature sales, advertising, and way more!

17. Patience, this is the most revered thing in Web Devoloping, it requires a lot of patience and time.

Sarch Engine Optimization Tips

1. Write and submit articles to the article directories.

2. Leave comments on other people’s blogs with a backlink to your site.

3. Answer people’s questions on Yahoo! Answers - Home.

4. Post in forums and have a link to your site in your signature.

5. Write a press release and submit it to PRWeb::The Online Visibility Company

6. Advertise your website in the appropriate category websites Free Ads. Website

7. Give an unbiased testimonial on a product/service that you have used in exchange for a

backlink to your site.

8. Start a blog and submit it to the 100’s of free blog directories.

9. Manually submit your website to the major search engines.

10. Optimize each page of your website for a particular keyword or search phrase.

11. Add a link in your email signature to your website. It’s a free and easy way to get a little

more traffic.

12. Make a custom 404 error page for your website redirecting people to your home page.

see here how to setup acustom 404 error page

13. Use PPC search engine advertising.

14. Add a “bookmark this site” link to your webpages.

15. Have a tell-a-friend form on your site.

16. Send articles to ezine publishers that includes a link to your website.

17. Hold a crazy content and make it go viral.

18. Give away a freebie (ebook, report, e-course) to keep people coming

back to your site you can get some Free book here.

19. Add an RSS feed to your blog.

20. Submit your site to any related niche directories on the net

70 Link Building Techniques

1. Link bait.
2. Post link on forums in signature.
3. Do something groundbreaking that gets picked up by a news site.
4. Give freebies away.
5. Link to others and they might link to you.
6. Post your link as a source in Yahoo Answers or other questions sites.
7. Link exchange.
8. Insult another site. Ex, No Daddy
9. Promote another site.
10. Make an ebook.
11. Produce great content.
12. Start an affiliate program.
13. Link from your other sites.
14. Go to a dofollow blog and become a top commentator.
15. Guest post and make sure your link is on the author bio.
16. Form some sort of partnership with other webmasters.
17. Submit an article to article sites.
18. Submit and article to sites that need an article and make sure your link is on it.
19. Provide a great service.
20. Offer your service or product for free.(at least at first)
21. Ask to have your site reviewed.
22. Become Dofollow and get submitted to Dofollow directories.
23. Submit to free directories.
24. Submit to paid directories.
25. Review sites. If you give a good review the site might link to you. You also have a chance for other sites to link to you if you give a bad one.
26. Get stumbled, dugg, ect.
27. Build list pages. These seem to work the best in getting links.
28. Make surveys.
29. Create a page about your site or blog on Wikipedia and put a link back to it.
30. If you are have a website(not a blog) start a blog.
31. Sponsor a site.
32. Start a charity or other non-profit cause.
33. Post great videos or pictures.
34. Get sued. If it a company everyone hates or everyone loves your in.
35. Hold a contest.
36. Build a website/blog about a service everyone loves.
37. Release a free extension,component, or plug-in.
38. Have an interview. It needs to be someone who is famous. No one cares about the interview with your mom.
39. Take a unique picture, and allow people to post it on their website if they link back.
40. Create a theme or template. Make sure you put a Dofollow link in it.
41. Use trackbacks.
42. Ask your readers for link love.
43. Trade articles of posts.
44. Create new articles/posts. Everyone loves to link to them.
45. Start a dofollow directory.
46. Use Craigslist.
47. Create a squidoo and link back to your site.
48. Link to your site on Twitter.
49. Tell readers to tweet posts.
50. Ask organizations to link to you.